CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Asymptotic and computational aspects of complex differential equations

Partially supported by GNFM-INdAM and SISSA, Trieste

13 February 2017 - 17 February 2017


Date Time Speaker Room
Mon 13 Feb 9:45- 10:45 Registration Aula Dini
10:45- 11:00 Opening Aula Dini
11:00- 12:00 Costin, Rodica
"Weber equation as a normal form with applications"
Aula Dini
12:00- 12:30 Minakov, Oleksandr
"Modulated elliptic wave and a train of asymptotic solitons in a vicinity of the leading edge for MKdV"
Aula Dini
14:00- 15:00 Eremenko, Alexandre
"Real solutions of Painlevé VI"
Aula Dini
15:00- 16:00 Masoero, Davide
"Rational solutions of Painlevé IV"
Aula Dini
16:00- 16:30 Horrobin, Calum
"Stokes' phenomenon arising from colliding poles in the con uence from PVI to PV"
Aula Dini
16:30- 16:50 Coffee break Aula Dini
16:50- 17:50 Zullo, Federico
"Properties of the series solutions for Painlevé equations"
Aula Dini
17:50- 18:20 Roussillon, Julien
"Connection problem for Painlevé I isomonodromic tau function"
Aula Dini
Tue 14 Feb 9:00- 10:00 Barkatou, Moulay A.
"Symbolic methods for solving systems of linear ordinary differential equations"
Aula Dini
10:00- 11:00 Schäfke, Reinhard
"Asymptotic expansion and theory of summability"
Aula Dini
11:00- 11:30 Coffee break Aula Dini
11:30- 12:30 Bertola, Marco
"Orthogonal polynomials for the quartic potential: a case study for phases and Painlevé I and II transitions"
Aula Dini
14:00- 14:30 Filipuk, Galina
"Meromorphic solutions of P4,34 and their value distribution"
Aula Dini
14:30- 15:00 Jiménez Garrido, Javier
"Extension to a sector of asymptotic expansions in a direction with strongly regular constraints"
Aula Dini
15:00- 16:00 Cotti, Giordano
"Monodromy of semisimple Frobenius coalescent structures"
Aula Dini
16:00- 16:20 Coffee break Aula Dini
16:20- 17:20 Costin, Ovidiu
"The quasi-solution method of global analysis of ODEs"
Aula Dini
17:20- 17:50 Podhajecka, Bozena
"The Stokes phenomenon for certain partial di erential equations"
Aula Dini
Wed 15 Feb 9:00- 10:00 Schäfke, Reinhard
"Asymptotic expansion and theory of summability"
Aula Dini
10:00- 11:00 Barkatou, Moulay A.
"Symbolic methods for solving systems of linear ordinary differential equations"
Aula Dini
11:00- 11:20 Coffee break Aula Dini
11:20- 12:20 Lisovyy, Oleg
"Painlevé functions, Fredholm determinants and combinatorics"
Aula Dini
12:20- 13:05 Abenda, Simonetta
"KP theory, total positivity and rational degenerations of M-curves"
Aula Dini
Thu 16 Feb 9:00- 10:00 Barkatou, Moulay A.
"Symbolic methods for solving systems of linear ordinary differential equations"
Aula Dini
10:00- 11:00 Schäfke, Reinhard
"Asymptotic expansion and theory of summability"
Aula Dini
11:00- 11:30 Coffee break Aula Dini
11:30- 12:30 Haraoka, Yoshishige
"Katz theory for KZ type equations and deformation"
Aula Dini
14:00- 15:00 Takei, Yoshitsugu
"Stokes geometry of higher order ODEs and middle convolution"
Aula Dini
15:00- 16:00 Sauzin, David
"On resurgence, normal forms and mould calculus"
Aula Dini
16:00- 16:30 Coffee break Aula Dini
16:30- 17:30 Sanz, Javier
"Injectivity and surjectivity of the asymptotic Borel map in classes with log-convex constraints"
Aula Dini
17:30- 18:00 Carrillo Torres, Sergio Alejandro
"Tauberian properties for monomial asymptotic expansions"
Aula Dini
Fri 17 Feb 9:00- 10:00 Lysik, Grzegorz
"Mean values and heat type equations"
Aula Dini
10:00- 11:00 Schäfke, Reinhard
"Asymptotic expansion and theory of summability"
Aula Dini
11:00- 11:30 Coffee break Aula Dini
11:30- 12:30 Barkatou, Moulay A.
"Symbolic methods for solving systems of linear ordinary differential equations"
Aula Dini