CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Linear and Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equations

Partially supported by UMI no. 3483 and the University of Bordeaux 1

1 July 2013 - 4 July 2013

Invited Speakers

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Pages: [1] [2] [3]

Jean-Michel Bony

Ecole Polytechnique
29 June 2013 - 5 July 2013
Talk: On the Principal Symbol of Fourier Integral Operators

Nicolas Burq

Universite Paris Sud Orsay
30 June 2013 - 3 July 2013

Federico Cacciafesta

Università di Roma "Sapienza"
30 June 2013 - 4 July 2013
Talk: On the multiplier method in a variable coefficients setting

Massimo Cicognani

Università di Bologna
1 July 2013 - 4 July 2013
Talk: Modulus of Continuity and Decay at infinity in Evolution Equations with Real Characteristics

Paulo Domingos Cordaro

Universidade de Sao Paulo
25 June 2013 - 7 July 2013
Talk: Strong unique continuation for systems of complex vector fields

Scipio Cuccagna

Università di Trieste
1 July 2013 - 5 July 2013
Talk: On Fermi Golden Rule and small energy asymptotics for the NLS

Daniele Del Santo

Università di Trieste, Dipartimento di Matematica e Geoscienze
1 July 2013 - 5 July 2013
Talk: Backward uniqueness for parabolic operators

Julio Delgado

Imperial College London
30 June 2013 - 5 July 2013
Talk: Singular numbers for operators on compact Lie groups

Francesco Fanelli

BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
30 June 2013 - 6 July 2013
Talk: Observability estimates for 1-D wave equations with non-Lipschitz coefficients

Veronique Fischer

Università degli Studi di Padova (and Imperial College)
30 June 2013 - 4 July 2013
Talk: Pseudo-Differential Operators on Lie groups

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