CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Classical and quantum gravity in 3 dimensions

seminar: Perturbative expansion of mapping class group representations in TQFT

speaker: Gregor Masbaum (Institut de Mathematiques de Jussieu)

abstract: We study the mapping class group representations associated to the SO(3) TQFT at an odd prime. The main result of this talk is that when restricted to the Torelli group, these representations have a number-theoretical perturbative expansion as the order of the root of unity goes to infinity. This gives in particular a TQFT interpretation of Ohtsuki's power series invariant of homology spheres. Here it is crucial to use the integral bases we found in previous joint work with Pat Gilmer. All results are obtained using the skein-theoretical approach to TQFT.

Fri 9 Sep, 14:30 - 15:30, Aula Dini
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