CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Transport, Fluids and Mixing

Moving currents: on the Lie transport equation and a Rademacher type theorem

speaker: Paolo Bonicatto (University of Warwick)

abstract: In the classical theory, given a vector field $b \colon 0,T \times \mathbb Rd \to \mathbb Rd$, one usually studies the transportcontinuity equation drifted by $b$ looking for solutions in the class of functions (with certain integrability) or at most in the class of measures. In this seminar I will talk about recent efforts, motivated by the modeling of defects in plastic materials, aimed at extending the previous theory to the case when the unknown are instead k-currents in $\mathbb Rd$, i.e. generalised $k$-dimensional surfaces. The resulting equation involves the Lie derivative $Lb$ of currents in direction $b$ and reads $\partialt Tt + Lb Tt = 0$. It is easily seen that the continuity equation corresponds to the case of 0-currents, while the transport equation to the case of d-currents. I will explain the main challenges this problem presents and some recent results based on an ongoing project with Giacomo Del Nin and Filip Rindler (University of Warwick).

Wed 26 Jan, 15:20 - 15:50,
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