CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Population Dynamics and Statistical Physics in Synergy II

Duality and fixation for Wright-Fisher models with selection in a temporally varying random environment

speaker: Dario Spano (University of Warwick)

abstract: I will discuss the properties of a models of population genetics where the selective fitness of an allele is assumed to be permeable to the influence of environmental factors which vary randomly in time. With random environment, the relationship between forward-in-time evolution of the allele frequency and the population's backward-in-time genalogy is described by a "quenched" notion of strong sampling duality. When the environment fluctuates according to an independent and identically distributed process, ordinary moment duality can be recovered in the population's (jump) diffusion scaling limit. Various selection regimes can then be compared. In particular, duality helps understanding whether rare but stronger selective events have higher impact than mild, constant selection.

Tue 2 Apr, 11:30 - 12:30, Aula Dini
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