CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Multiscale analysis and reconstruction of chromatin and nuclear organization

course: Polymer models for nuclear organization and function

speaker: David Holcman (ENS Paris)

abstract: How chromatin is organized in the nucleus? we will adress this question by comparing two types of statistics: the one obtained from SPTs (Time series) and the other from cell population statistics (statics) Can these statistics be compared or are they exclusive. How can they be used together to reveal the refined chromatin organization? In this talk, I will review and discuss: 1.Polymer models 2.Theory of looping and the need of asymptotic formulas 3. Reconstruction of chromatin from parsimonious polymer models 4.Analysis of SPTs dsDNA, toward an automated detection. To conclude, the two statistics are putting constraints on chromatin properties that reveal its function and organization.

Mon 22 Oct, 16:30 - 17:15, Aula Dini
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