CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Analytical Methods in Classical and Quantum Dynamical Systems

Exponential mixing for volume-preserving Anosov flows on three dimensional manifolds

speaker: Masato Tsujii (Kyushu University)

abstract: We would like to present a results which shows that almost all volume-preserving Anosov flows on three dimensional manifolds are exponentially mixing. The point of the argument is, in comparison with the celebrated result of Dolgopyat, that we state a quantitative condition on joint non-integrability of the stable and unstable foliation in the case where they are not C1. We begin with discussing a geometric coherent structure on the normal bundle of each (strong) unstable manifold determined by the flow.Then we formulate a quantitative non-integrability condition using this structure

Fri 1 Jul, 11:30 - 12:15, Aula Dini
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