CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Nilpotent Orbits and Representation Theory

Generators of affine W-algebras

speaker: Alexander Molev (University of Sydney)

abstract: We construct explicit generators of the affine W-algebra of type A associated with a nilpotent matrix whose Jordan blocks are of the same size. By applying the quantum Miura transformation we recover the construction of the principal W-algebra of Fateev and Lukyanov. In the classical limit and the critical level we get generators of the respective classical W-algebras. The construction extends to the classical W-algebras associated with the simple Lie algebras of all classical types and the exceptional Lie algebra of type G2. The generators are given by determinant formulas in the context of the Poisson vertex algebras.

Thu 16 Jun, 16:15 - 17:30, Aula Bianchi Scienze
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