CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Topological and Combinatorial Problems in One-dimensional Complex Dynamics

Annular itineraries for $\mathbb C$

speaker: David Martí Pete (Department of Mathematics and Statistics Faculty of Mathematics, Computing and Technology The Open University)

abstract: We are interested in studying the different rates of escape of points under iteration by transcendental holomorphic self-maps of $\mathbb C$. Using annular covering lemmas we are able to construct different types of orbits, including fast-escaping or arbitrarily slowly escaping points to either 0, infinity or both of them, and points with periodic itineraries as well. These results are analogous to the ones that Phil Rippon and Gwyneth Stallard recently proved for entire functions.

Wed 16 Oct, 17:15 - 17:45, Aula Dini
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