CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Shape Optimization

Regularity and Singularities of Optimal Shapes

speaker: Michel Pierre (ENS Cachan Bretagne, Institut de Recherche Mathématique de Rennes)

abstract: We will present several results and techniques to study the regularity of optimal shapes. The outline of the lectures will be as follows: A) Classical results for the isoperimetric problems and on the regularity of quasi-minimizers (from the theory of minimal surfaces). B) A model problem: optimal shapes for the Dirichlet energy with prescribed volume. C) Adding surface tension. D) More examples. Optimal eigenvalues of the Laplacian, convexity constraints, polygons as optimal shapes.

Tue 5 Jun, 9:00 - 10:30, Aula Dini
Wed 6 Jun, 11:00 - 12:30, Aula Dini
Thu 7 Jun, 15:30 - 17:00, Aula Dini
Fri 8 Jun, 9:00 - 10:30, Aula Dini
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