CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Europa Matematica e Risorgimento Italiano

The Risorgimento and the formation of Italian and international mathematical community

speaker: Serge Demidov (Mosca University)

abstract: The formation of the national mathematical communities which commenced during the 19th century in France and in Germany accomplished their functions simultaneously by extending and strengthening the bonds of the international mathematical communities through the organization of the international congresses.
Italy , which at the end of 19th century became one of the leading nations in the evolution of mathematics ,performed an important role. The successful progress of mathematics in Italy was one of the expressions of the spirit of Risorgimento. The remarkable manifestations of its development were the outstanding results of the Italian mathematicians during the last third of the 19th century and the beginning of the 2Oth. Moreover the formation of the national mathematical institutions contributed to the progress of mathematical international collaboration.
It can be thereby be regarded as a phenomenon through a prism of its perception by Russian mathematicians of that period.

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