CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Ricci Solitons Days in Pisa 2011

Volume Estimates of Expanding Gradient Ricci Solitons

speaker: Chih-Wei Chen (Institut Fourier, University of Grenoble, France)

abstract: For expanding gradient Ricci solitons, we show that

1. when the average scalar curvature \( \frac{1}{Vol(B_r)}\int_{B_r} R \) is larger than \( - C r^{-\varepsilon} \), there exists a lower bound estimate of asymptotic volume ratio

2. when \( \lim \) |Sect| \( r^2=0 \), there is a uniform volume estimate of all geodesic balls.

Mon 4 Apr, 14:30 - 15:00, Aula Dini
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