CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Ricci Solitons Days in Pisa 2011

Singularity Profile in the Mean Curvature Flow

speaker: Xujia Wang (Australian National University - Centre for Mathematics & its Applications)

abstract: I will discuss some recent advances on the singularity profile of the mean curvature flow. Inspired by Perelman, we introduced and proved the k-noncollapsing for the mean convex MCF. The k-noncollapsing implies that a blow-up solution to mean convex MCF is convex. We also proved that there exist non-rotationally symmetric, ancient convex solutions. But in dimension two, a translating blow-up solution must be rotationally convex. These works are built upon earlier works mainly by Huisken.

Mon 4 Apr, 10:30 - 11:30, Aula Dini
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